Preparing Your Home For Sale

How you present your house to potential buyers is one of the most essential steps to ensure your property sells faster and for the highest possible price.In order to set yourself up for success, you need to take a step back from the emotional and sentimental features, and start to look at your home as a house. Simply put, your property is now a product for sale.It can be hard to look around your home and see the colourful wallpaper in the living room, your beautiful full bookcase, and your family photos on the wall and feel overwhelmed with where to start. Broken down into simple easy steps, this checklist will help you increase the appeal of your house to the largest majority of buyers.You will soon appreciate knowing another individual will fill this house with love and memories of their own.


Objectively evaluate every room.

Clean And Replace as Needed:

  • Light Switch Covers
  • Doors And Door Knobs
  • Lightbulbs
  • Curtains And Blinds
  • Interior and Exterior Paint
  • Carpets
  • AC/Heater Vents

These items get the most use will look tattered overtime. Where needed, replace what is old or broken.Dust Everything:

  • Walls
  • Windows
  • Curtains And Blinds
  • AC Intake Vents
  • Ceiling and Ceiling Fans
  • Baseboards

Dust is indicative of uncleanliness and is unappealing to buyers. Buyers will be looking at your house under a microscope, so make sure you have dusted all the nooks and crannies.Make It Welcoming:

  • Pack away all kick-knacks and figurines
  • Prune And Nurture All House Plants
  • Remove all non-essential furniture (e.g., Bookcase, Cabinets, Beanbags)
  • Remove all non-decorative books. Decorative books may include one coffee table book, or one cookbook in the kitchen
  • Pack away personal photos
  • Reduce the amount of wall art
  • Open all binds and curtains to let in as much natural light
  • Add lamps in every dark space, make sure that the light bulbs are the same E.g., white light or yellow light
  • Avoid air scents like Glen2O. Instead use essential oil diffusers

Potential buyers will feel more invited when the house is clear of clutter and your personal belongings. Pleasant smells and bright lights also help buyers feel welcome.


Maximise visual floor and wall space.

Keep It Minimal:

  • Keep all coffee tables clear
  • Remove ash trays and unsightly paraphernalia
  • Keep the amount of furniture to a minimum
  • Store toys out of sight
  • Take advantage of cushions and throws to soften the space.

A minimal house creates the effect of a larger and cleaner space. Buyers should be able to see themselves living in the house without being distracted by seeing to many pieces of your furniture or belongings.


Minimise Furniture.

Keep It Simple:

  • Light fitting should be at a minimum 1.5mtres from the floor
  • Clear the dining table, only have a centre-piece
  • Remove extra chairs from the table, the dining table should only seat 4-6 chairs.

The dining room should look ready for a family dinner. Keep the room simple by showing off the dining suite and add a simple centre piece.


Clean and Clear Surfaces.

Keep It Tidy:

  • Put away all mops, brooms, vacuums etc.
  • Empty the garbage before each showing
  • Remove any pet food/water dishes before each showing
  • Organise pantry to be nice and neat
  • Box up dishes and cooking supplies
  • Scrub the sink to look like new.
  • Clear all items on the counter
  • Clean tile grout, bleach if needed.
  • Clear the fridge of magnets, pictures etc.
  • Clean the stove, oven and microwave
  • Repair broken or loose corners on counter tops
  • Replace burner pans on the stove if worn

The kitchen should look clean and functional. Potential buyers should not be able to see evidence of your cooking, such as stains and cooking supplies. The kitchen is the heart of the home, so ensure that it is sparkling clean.


Make Your Bed and Stow your Stuff.

Make It Inviting:

  • Make beds daily
  • Invest in new bedspreads, white is best.
  • Clear off bedside tables, dressers etc.
  • Store daily necessities in drawers or closets
  • Organise closets to be nice and neat
  • Keep closet doors closed
  • Keep all the floors clear and vacuum regularly
  • Remove wall décor, other than tasteful art
  • Repair any hole or damage to walls

The bedrooms should look cosy and inviting. Potential buyers should be able to gauge how their furniture will fit in the room and get an idea for how they would style the room themselves.


Put It All Away.

Hide All Clothes:

  • Put soap and supplies in the cupboards
  • Use high watt bulbs to make it look brighter
  • Keep floors clear of clutter and mop regularly
  • Keep surfaces and sink clean
  • Remove all clothing, dirty or clean.

Although the laundry is used for cleaning, it shouldn’t look like it. Do not keep cleaning products on display and most importantly, hide all washing and clothing.


Clean & Bright.

Clear all Clutter:

  • Replace shower curtain
  • Clean any mouldy areas
  • Replace caulking
  • Take off all cloth toilet lids and keep lids closed
  • Hide garbage cans and cleaning supplies
  • Organise cabinets
  • Clean all surfaces
  • Display a new bottle of hand soap
  • Purchase new towels, preferably white.
  • Coordinate all linens in one or two colours
  • Fold towels into thirds on towel rack
  • Remove all unnecessary items

The bathroom should appear as bright and clean as possible. Fresh and coordinating towels, shower curtains and bath mats are a fast way to freshen up the look of your bathroom.


Step Back and Evaluate.

Make it Fresh:

  • Pressure wash the concrete
  • Re-Stain deck wood
  • Wash windows, inside and out
  • Use outdoor furniture to show the use of space
  • Repaint the front door, exterior and trim if needed
  • Replace any rotten wood
  • Sweep all walkways, porches and decks

Curb appeal is the very first impression a potential buyer will have of your house. The exterior sets the standard for the interior, so make sure it is appealing from the sidewalk.


Trim and Nurture.

Bring it to Life:

  • Prune bushes and plants
  • Don’t let bushes block windows
  • Remove dead plants and weeds
  • Put down fresh mulch to restore colour contrast
  • Keep the lawn freshly mowed, edged and fertilised
  • Add flowers for a splash of colour

You don’t have to be a green thumb to appreciate a nurtured yard. No matter what the size, a little pruning will go a long way. Go a step further and create a retreat like feel with drapes and pillows.These simple steps will take you a long way in the process of selling your home. Not only will potential buyers love the feeling of being inside your home, with online listings, a clean and bright house looks amazing on camera too. It is no secret that a well-presented home will exceed expectations once it is on the market. Be sure to style the property to showcase the houses best selling points. These days there are plenty of options such as an interior decorator, home styling, or virtual furniture. Your Real Estate agent will point you in the right direction to ensure your home is showcased in the best way possible.At Dowling Property Group, we have what we consider to be the best available mix of marketing options for property sellers in the Newcastle & Lake Macquarie region, ranging from high quality digital photography, press adds, signboards, flyers, brochures and our website are the best available!

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