Tips for First Home Buyers – Deciding on a Neighbourhood

Quick Tip of the Week! Once you have your finances in order it is time to start searching!

First of all it is good to figure out what are your priorities? Being close to local shopping facilities? A park to walk your dog? A certain school that’s close by? Commute to work? Take some time to write a list of the things that are important to you in your everyday life and then choose the type of suburb that fits your lifestyle. Are you looking for inner city or family friendly?

You’ll probably have an ideal location, but keep an open mind as you may not be able to afford everything on your list in certain areas. Are there any up and coming areas that appeal to you that may not cost as much as the desirable areas? Are you willing to commute a little further to work then you are currently? Are you willing to pay that little bit extra to live in a desirable suburb?

Most importantly is to understand the suburbs that you can afford to buy in and what your money will get you in the areas that you wish to be in.