Selling In Winter!

if you are looking to sell in winter, you can enjoy a few advantages. For example, there’s less competition in winter because most sellers opt to put their homes on the market during the warmer periods of the year. This means that there will be fewer houses on the market, driving up demand amongst buyers.

You can also take advantage of the winter chill to make your home stand out as extra warm and cosy. It’s a good idea to consult with your choice of real estate to see how you can make the most of selling in the winter.

You can also use the following tips to help you make your home look particularly appealing during this season:

Brighten your Curb Appeal

The importance of a good first impression cannot be overemphasized. When it comes to selling your house, you’ll make your first impression based on the exterior of the property. The last thing you want is a depressing, unkempt outdoor area. You can freshen up your property by putting out potted winter flowers to breathe life into the garden. Raking leaves, mowing the lawn, and pruning bushes that may contain dead flowers will all help your home look more vibrant.

 Use Winter Staging Tricks

Home staging in winter will need to be conducted with the ultimate goal of creating an atmosphere of comfort and warmth. A roaring fire can be a great asset in the winter, so you’ll want to use your fireplace during an inspection. Thick blankets can be used on couches and in the bedroom to create a cosy feeling, making buyers want to snuggle up in your home.

Clean the Windows

Having clean windows can help you enhance sunlight during the winter months. Most winter days tend to be overcast, and with clean windows you’ll ensure that any sunlight that appears is able to stream freely into the home. Another reason to keep your windows clean is to avoid muddy streaks due to winter rain showers. This could dampen what would otherwise be a top feature of the home.

Use Lighting to your Advantage

On dark winter days, you may not have as much natural lighting as you would prefer. In addition to cleaning your windows and pulling back curtains, you’ll also want to make the most of artificial light. Turn on all of your lamps and lighting fixtures to banish dark corners from the home and give the place a cosy glow. Another way to brighten up your home is by using mirrors. Place these across from windows, to open up the space and show off your cleaning and staging to its best effect.

Keep the Heating On

There’s nothing like stepping in from the cold into a warm, comfortable home.

 Take Care of Home Repairs

No matter what time of year you plan on selling your house in, you’ll want to prepare for the sale by having a property that’s in proper working order.

 Protect Interior of the Home

Wet weather can do a number on your property’s interior as well. Provide an umbrella stand, coat rack, and welcome mat outside the door to prevent drips and mud being tracked in onto the carpet. You could even leave a polite sign asking buyers to remove their shoes when they enter the home, to protect carpets. This shows buyers that you care about protecting your property, which can be a bonus to those who rank cleanliness high on their list of positive attributes. It also helps to draw attention to your flooring, which is helpful if you’ve just installed new carpeting or floorboards.

 Planning for Open for Inspections

The agents at Dowling Mayfield cannot control the weather, although they can check the forecast and will pick a time of day for inspections when the sun is at its peak!


Selling your house during the winter season can be a bit more complicated, if you follow these basic steps you can transform your house into a cosy oasis in any storm. Real estate agents are experienced with selling properties in any season, and may have some additional tips that pertain to your specific situation. You can find the right agent to represent your needs by calling our office on 02 4960 0499 or you can leave your details for our database where you will be the first to know about upcoming properties before they hit the internet!